Brandon Norris Founder at Omaha Maker Group


  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • ActiveRecord
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML 5
  • HAML
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • CoffeeScript
  • jQuery
  • Git
  • Github
  • Node.js


Omaha Code School
2014 - 2014
Accelerated web development course
Metropolitan Community College
2013 - 2014
Computer Science



Website for the faces of Omaha's Creative Community.

Back end developer using a Ruby on Rails server. Used PostrgreSQL database from old to preserve existing members. Scraped events from community websites. Implemented AWS S3 image storage and Carrierwave with Fog integration. User authentication using Sorcery allows users to authenticate with Google, Twitter, or Facebook.


Web interface for my Robotic Bartender.

Full stack developer: Foundation for responsive layout, jQuery for AJAX, Ruby on Rails server. External communication to Arduino hardware using SerialPort. Arduino sketch written using AccelStepper library. Created a PostgreSQL database with four tables: Dispensers, Recipes, Ingredients, and Amounts that lets users fully customize their own drinks. User authentication using Devise allows users to log in with Google, Twitter, or Facebook.


Animate your Instagram photos.

Back end developer using a Ruby on Rails server. Instagram integration for source images. FlipBook uses an AWS S3 image storage integration. Image processing is done using ImageMagick. PostgreSQL database. User authentication was built from scratch.

Sources available on Github


State Studios
2014 - Present
Hardware and Software Engineer
  • Develop new applications using Node.js
  • Evaluate and deploy new hardware
Omaha Maker Group
2010 - Present
Founder and Member of the Board

Create and maintain a community work space for Omaha's Creative Community.

RUN Networks
2012 - 2013
Systems Engineer
  • Server deployment and support
  • Network troubleshooting and repair
  • Software install and maintanence
2011 - 2012
Operations Technician
  • Troubleshoot Linux based servers
  • Deployed new systems and infrastructure
  • Diagnosed and repair existing systems
West Assett Management
2010 - 2011
Desktop Support
  • Desktop PC hardware and software support
  • Built out and deployed new systems
  • Diagnosed and repaired existing systems
Kamterter Products LLC
2010 - 2010
CAD Product Design and Fabrication
  • Used 3D CAD programs to design new equipment
  • Constructed products from designs
  • Worked with coworkers to complete projects
Infinite Internet Systems
2007 - 2009
Network Administrator
  • Set up physical networks
  • Installed and configured Linux, Windows and BSD based servers
  • Configured and installed switches and core routers


09 / 2013
{:alt => "Working", :src => ""}/